Introduction - Due July 3

Welcome to GLE class for summer 2020! I'd like to get to know you a bit before we start our course. For this assignment, you must write me a paragraph, and introduce yourself to me. Your paragraph should be at least 10 sentences long and must include the following items:

-your full name

-the mark you plan on achieving for this course and your other classes

-how you are going to reach those marks, and how I can help you get there

You should also include:

-what you know about GLE

-what you would like this course to be like

-your idea of what a good teacher is and does

-an example of a great teacher you had in the past

Finally, you must make sure you tell me about:

-your likes, dislikes and hobbies

-do you have a job? If so, where? How many hours do you work a week?

-Are you involved in any extra curricular activities like school clubs or sports teams?

-Would you like to become involved in any school or community events? What are they?

-What are your strengths at school? Are you good at tech courses? Math? English?

-What do you need the most help with at school?

-What type of learner are you? (hands-on, etc?)

-What do you want to do after high school?